全球最火爆彩票网站大全如何 工作

在过去的30年里, we have developed a method of working that offers clients an excellent level of service. 汤姆和马丁总是对他们自己的设计负全部责任, 因此,客户从始至终都清楚地知道他们在与谁打交道.

We have mastered the art of drawing detailed scaled plans that contractors can build to accurately first time around with rarely any need for major adjustment in the field. This allows us to produce accurate and comprehensive construction documentation. It has also contributed to a reputation for completing projects within budget and on time.

在办公室, Chris Huggett has become skilled in producing photo visualisations of our design proposals and these have become extremely useful in convincing clients and committees at the conceptual design stage and they are also proving to be very useful at the construction stage to give the construction team a real feel for what is required.

Time on site is all important and we are meticulous about checking all elements of the course at every stage. This is especially true for the putting surfaces where small variations make a huge difference with today's green speeds.





可行性研究将讨论这块土地是否适合打高尔夫球, 可能的会所位置取决于地形, 土壤, 排水及费用估算.


下一步是拟定高尔夫球场的初步布局方案. 这很好地说明了课程的总体长度和标准, 哪些是可以在网站上实现的. 它还为同规划当局进行谈判提供了良好的基础.


规划 consents are becoming increasingly difficult and time-consuming to obtain. 大多数新的高尔夫球场规划应用程序涉及越来越详细的工作, 包括土壤调查, 环境评估, 历史景观研究和考古调查. Our experience in bringing more than 30 courses through planning as part of a broad planning team of a size adapted to the scale of the project gives us an intimate understanding of what is needed and the likely costs. On simple projects where the issues are straightforward and predominantly related to golf, 全球最火爆彩票网站大全可以自己处理应用程序. 在更复杂的项目中, 全球最火爆彩票网站大全可以领导一个专家团队,比如规划顾问, 生态学家和考古学家.


Once the layout has been finalized, all of the detailed design will be carried out. This is prepared from a topographical survey, which we can obtain or the client can supply. 全球最火爆彩票网站大全越来越多地使用无人机(UAV)测量技术. We use AutoCAD to carry out the detailed design phase allowing easy transmission of plans over the internet and the calculation of all volumes of earth movement and materials.


该规范详细说明了要使用的材料, the method of construction and all other information essential for both the construction of the course and the accurate tendering or negotiation of the contract price with experienced contractors. 全球最火爆彩票网站大全在这份文件中纳入了项目农艺师的意见.


We have used many golf course contractors around the world and will draw up a tender list of experienced firms, 能够处理合同事宜. We will then carry out detailed examination of tenders and recommend the appointment of the contractor.


We make regular and frequent visits to the site throughout the entire construction of the course and authorize payment to the contractor as the contract progresses.


The period up until the opening of the course is crucial and our services can include assistance with the appointment of the greenkeeping staff and specific agronomic advice to help bring the course into optimum condition as smoothly as possible.

现有的课程 工作

A very important part of our work involves providing advice to existing golf clubs. All clubs have different needs and problems and we relish our advisory work on established courses. It is amongst the most challenging work but is often the most rewarding and leads to inspiration for new course designs.

在他们的职业生涯中, Tom and Martin have advised over 50 of the top 100 courses in Great Britain and Ireland, 《全球最大彩票网站排名》英国百强排名 & 爱尔兰排名2021 / 2022和麦肯齐 & 艾伯特目前为其中的49家公司提供咨询. The company also currently advises 16 of the top 100 courses in the world as ranked by Golf.com.





其中大多数(但不是全部)都是历史性的课程. Our first step with clubs which enjoy a significant heritage is to study the evolution of their courses using old aerial photography, 老照片, 历史书和剪报. 这有助于全球最火爆彩票网站大全和俱乐部专注于球场的发展, 在一般情况下, helps the membership understand that their course has not been the same since the day it was created. There is nearly always a fascinating discovery to be made whether relating to the layout, 地堡的大小和形状或景观.

近年来,这项运动经历了相当大的变化. The most obvious one is the revolution in the distances that elite or low handicap players hit the ball most of the time.So many of our courses from the most humble to the very best are on a finite area of land and the impact of the new clubs and balls is far from good. 沙坑的位置必须, 因此, be reviewed and altered to maintain the test of the course for the better players whilst leaving the less able more room to enjoy themselves. 绿色设计和建筑也与此息息相关.

There is little doubt that courses with cunningly angled and shaped greens are better protected against the longer players. 对于那些有近百年历史的果岭的球场, 重建可以仅从农艺角度考虑,但是, 具有创意设计, 果岭甚至可以成为最短的球场.

A factor regularly being encountered on older courses is where sections of greens are no longer usable in a modern game with increasing green speeds. Some fantastically contoured greens no longer have the exciting flag positions of yesteryear due to faster green speeds, 使区域无法使用. This causes great debate about whether a green should remain as it was originally shaped, or whether the original strategy of the hole should be restored through thoughful and careful adjustment. 绿色的特征将会保留,但是, 通过微小的重塑, 可以恢复原来的旗帜位置. It is unlikely the general golfing public would entertain the idea of significantly slower green speeds so this adjustment seems perfectly acceptable as an alternative.



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